Posted Wed, 23 Sep 2020 16:52:30 GMT by Kait Curci

Does anyone have some insight? We are trying to remove an image that was attached to the wrong invoice. The check has already been printed and of course, if you attach another image it just adds it as a second attachment.

Thank you!
Posted Mon, 28 Sep 2020 13:41:00 GMT by Jessica Humphreys MMI Hospitality Director of Accounting
Click on the "Search Image(s)" tab in the toolbar on the top of the screen.  You can search for this image using the filters given and delete your unwanted image in there.
Posted Thu, 01 Dec 2022 19:06:18 GMT by Marilyn Benavides Hilton Garden Inn Carlsbad Accounting Clerk

I do not see a delete option when I use the "search images" tab. Could this be due to accessibility or the version I am using? And is there another manner through which I can delete images?

Thank you!

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