Posted Mon, 25 Nov 2019 23:40:38 GMT by Patty Welch True North Hotel Group Acct/Purchasing Assoc.

Does anyone have any experience using the ConTrac module inside Accounting Core? I am most interested in setting it up to track the entire construction of a new hotel up to and including all preopening supplies. If you use it and have any advice or would want to share any setup tips, that would be excellent!

Thank you,

Patty Welch,

True North Hotel Group Inc.

Posted Fri, 03 Jan 2020 07:13:48 GMT by rpr-TousleyD Tousley Revpar Management Controller

I have used it and found what helps me the most is to tailor my codes to the GC's contract costs and then I added additional codes as needed.

Posted Thu, 23 Jan 2020 23:43:05 GMT by Ryan King Legacy Ventures, Hotels VP of Finance

Yes. Extensive user of that module. We track all capital projects in it so that we can summarize capital spending and vs. budget. Happy to assist or answer more questions if you would like to reach out (404-801-3277) Ron

Posted Thu, 27 Feb 2025 15:47:15 GMT by Kristi Carter DALY SEVEN INC. OFFICE MANAGER
I know this is an older post, but is it a way to enter pay apps for subs where it will track retainage???

We are thinking about using this module instead of the "old excel spreadsheets".. 



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