In this article, we are going to map some of Insight Dashboard Design Best practices related to performance. When you start developing a dashboard or when you want to simply improve its performance, take a look at the guidelines below and adjust your dashboard accordingly. 

System Defaults and Limits

Pivot Tables

  • Pivot tables are limited to 20 default values that can be added as column. Anything over 20 can result in performance issues. Adding multiple pivot tables or overriding the number of displayed values/columns can result in performance issues.
  • Pivot tables are limited to display a max number of 200 rows. Adding multiple pivot tables or overriding the number of displayed rows can result in performance issues.  
  • It is recommended to have no more than 2 pivot tables on a dashboard.


  • PDFs can display a max of 1000 rows from a pivot table
  • Dashboards that take longer than 5 minutes to load will not be able to be sent as a PDF due to a hard timeout controlled by the browser.  

Dashboard Design Recommendations

Avoid Wide Or Long Pivot Tables

  • Reduce the number of columns
  • Filter the number of rows (Top filter on value) 

Avoid Many Members In Charts 

  • Wide X-axis in Line / Column charts
  • Many members in “break by
  • Use Drill hierarchies  

Always Consider The Number Of Widgets

  • Recommended 7-10 widgets 
  • Consider the number of elements (filters/texts)
  • Use drill dashboards or Jump to Dashboard 

Avoid Too Many Include/Exclude Values

  • Choose the lowest selection between the two
  • Consider using a higher hierarchy 

Common Error Messages

Page Unresponsive

Page Unresponsive 

You can wait for it to become responsive or exit the 

_¯ Insight 


  • Wide or long pivot table. Too many columns and/or rows on a table
    • Reduce the number of columns or rows in your table
    • Consider using a dashboard filter to allow viewers to view the data in a different timeframe IE. Month selector
  • Too many rows could be a result of an account being used and displayed in multiple report item groups
    • Consider adding a background filter with a limited selection of report item groups so that repeated accounts are minimized